Sunday, February 28, 2010

Elephant park! favorite part of our trip now has earned its own post. We went to this elephant camp (and not to worry, it's one of the camps that treats their animals very humanely. They are like family to the people who own it and work there). First we got to ride the elephants, then they did a show for us where they raised the flag, did tricks with their mahoots, shot basketballs into baskets, kicked drop kicks and regular kicks into a soccer net, played harmonicas, and the coolest of all- THEY PAINTED!!! I'm not kidding. I included pictures of the paintings they did, and I bought the one that the elephant closest to us painted. It was such a neat experience, I HAVE to do it again!
They have these treehouses with women in them selling bananas and sugar cane for 30 baht (which is like a dollar) that we can buy to feed our elephant. So we did, and our Mahoot fed him our treat.:)
Riding our elephant through the jungle.
Our view of our ride.

These are all the paintings that each of the painting elephants did. They train each elephant to paint one type of painting, so it's not like they can just paint whatever they feel like that day. It is amazing to watch them paint. The Mahoot (their trainer) would just dip a paintbrush into paint and hand it to the elephant, and the elephant would know exactly what to do. I bought the one in the middle with the two red flowers. Oh, and the paper they paint on is made of elephant dung. Excellent.

My dad and I riding through the jungle on the elephant I named "Princess Sparkle McUnicorn". He was a very noble elephant.
Out of order, but the beginnings of my masterpiece.
The beginning of our show.
Bath time.

Here are videos of bath time, and the elephants playing harmonicas in the show.

1 comment:

Let the Good Times Roll said...

Well obviously you knew I would be the first one to comment! ;) I LOVE that elephant park, how cool is that. Definitely a dream of mine to ride on an elephant. I think the coolest part is that you get to share these awesome experiences with your dad, so cool. And what the heck, the elephants painting, amazing, and I love that you are sitting on the trunk, lol! That dinner was really fun the other night it was fun to see you. And I forwarded my dad the info on the Forever Strong Cruise - he's a tough sale, but we'll see what I can do! Thanks for all the info.