Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Latest and Greatest Happenings...

Brandon, his brother Pat, and I were going to go snowshoeing for a blissful holiday excursion. Turns out the pipeline didn't have enough snow, so we just went on an adventure filled hike. Gorgeous and our tiny babies had a blast.

Pat turned 30 so we went with Brandon's family to the Tavernacle to have a festivus celebration. It was their parents' first time to the Tavernacle, so it was fun to see their reactions to the songs and things the pianists say that are a little naughty...:)
Very serious brothers.
B and his fabulous mom.
What a cute family:)

And best of all, our ugly sweaters. Thank goodness my dear mother saved her seasonal sweater collection, because it has come in handy many times. You can't tell very well, but I did the Utah poof on my hair. I tried the best I could, and it is actually really hard to do. No one ever needed a Bump-It more than I did at that moment. Brandon did the mid-90s hair spike, and all that was missing from making his outfit amazing was some frosted tips.

1 comment:

Let the Good Times Roll said...

Love the sweaters! I know I can't believe my mom got rid of her Christmas light bulb necklace and her hand painted Christmas shoes with bells, what was she thinking! You guys are cute, and Brandon's family looks adorable!