Thursday, December 24, 2009

Poinsettia Bowl!

My dad took a group to the Poinsettia Bowl, and he got to take Sara and me along. Sweeeeeet! So we took a quick 2 day trip to San Diego and got to spend some quality Gelwix holiday cheer time together. Gelwix time+Utes' win=Excelllllllllent!

I bought those bows for Charly(Brandon's dog) but I think they are much more beautiful on my poopie. Very becoming!
We got to the stadium like 2 hours early, which explains oooooool the empty seats.

The Utes' first touchdown:) Number 81(Moeai) just caught the ball
Every first down my dad would do his over the top signal.

Some Cal fans lit a paper garbage can on fire. Excellent!

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