Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's Been A While...If Anyone Even Reads This Anymore;)

 Above-Keiko turned 1 in July!
 I learned to golf (kind of)...
 I came across some excellent old photos of my Wasian:)

 My nieces came right before Thanksgiving!

 We went to California for Thanksgiving...first stop San Francisco! Sara was named after our great grandma, so we visit her grave from time to time and Sara rubbed her name off the grave.
 My favorite beach-Ocean Beach!

 Then to Fresno to spend some quality time with my sweet parentals.

 Then Brandon and I went to Vegas and Disneyland for my birthday! Woohoo!

 Go Niners!

 I had a slide show of old photos from our old slide was some fun old pics!
 And finally...they now found my degenerative disc disease in my neck, to nicely compliment the same thing that's been going on in my lower back. What...a party.